Thursday, December 1, 2016

The boat project proceeds

It's a while since I wrote last time, but now the project has proceeded well and it's in a good phase to share some images with you.

We started with building the jig on which we then assemble the frames and build the boat up-side down.

Next step was to cut all the frames out from plywood sheets. With some optimization I was able to save some plywood sheets.

Here we now have all the frames in place on the jig.

 The transom is installed.

Before all the length going supporting strips could be attached openings in the frames needed to be made. We used several different techniques to find out the most suitable one. Saw and chisel, B&D "Raspiroope", handheld milling machine with different jigs. Below you see one example of a jug used.

Many of the strips needed to be jointed. Below you see a simple one that is ok when the joint will not be visible in the final product.

All the strips and the keel are installed. 

The stem is roughly formed but it needs some final shaping is still needed to get it to fit. The stem will get a slightly different form than on the model I built earlier.

Below you see the keel shaped.

My colleague is showing how you speed up the shaping with an electric planer. You get fast results quickly but need to be careful not to destroy and start all over. 

Today we cut the bottom plates roughly and will be able to install them next week.

First view from the inside but still up-side down.

The screw holes drilled in the bottom plates. And now the bottom plates are ready to be glued and screwed.

Next time I hope I can show you something that really looks like a boat.