Friday, February 3, 2017

Sanding and laminating

Last weeks we have learned that sanding, laminating and smoothing takes more time than you plan or even imagine. I started the sanding from the corner parts made of solid mahogany. This part of the work was quite easy and nice to see the final shape forming.

Above you see the boat from the front, in the middle the bow and on the right side one of the back corners, after sanding.

After the sanding and cleaning the surfaces it was time to apply glass fiber and epoxi. Below you see the side of the boat after applying one layer of glass fiber and epoxi. 

Below a closeup of the surface which needs a number of more layers of epoxy to get the glass fiber to disappear and ready for the varnish.

Here we also have the bottom covered with glass fiber and epoxi.

After this follows sanding, washing, more epoxi, sanding washing and more epoxi, .... until the surface is smooth and ready for some paint and varnish. 

The paint and varnish is ordered but let's see when it will be time for that stage. Before that, some more layers of epoxi. Yes and I ordered also some more epoxi.
One good thing is that we have already learned a lot how to laminate and how to get a smooth layer. I'm confident that these steps will be quicker next time.

I hope you have patience, until next update.