Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The boat is taking shape

We have been building the first boat now for about 6 week and it starts to look like a boat, a bigger boat than I first thought. We have already learned a lot about building a traditional wooden boat and there will be a lot more to learn before it is ready.

As soon as we got the boat turned around on its keel and the first planks fastened we started to impregnate the boat with linseed oil. The last thing every week has been to clean up the boat from all chips and sawdust and then brush on some linseed oil. There will be a lot of oil needed. The linseed oil we get from GVK Coating Technology Oy.  

Last week we learned how to make a joint. Now we know how to make a simple one but there will be more variants to learn.

Riveting is also practiced a couple of hundred times, but is still far from perfect.


The transom has also started to get its shape. I think it will look great when it will be ready. Slightly bent in standing planking or strips. I don't know when narrow planks will be strips.

To ensure there is enough to do I have been planning my own boat project in the background. The first plans already exist in both digital format and as a paper print-out. Designing a boat on the computer in 3D is something totally new to me and I have used more hours on it than I thought would be needed. Seems that everything needs some practicing.

More interesting pictures of my own boat project will be posted shortly. I have still not any project name for this boat so if you have a good one, please suggest.

I have got feedback that I should post more pictures and more frequently. I'll try to fulfill your wishes.

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